Monday, March 23, 2009

Job Information (CPNS)

I create a title when I started this confusion is that I will inform you the first time. Indeed, my goal is to help provide information about jobs, especially civil servants. but may have to start well you can walk to see some information from some job references that I follow as well.

or you can also see on their website - their office or department of state-owned

congratulations and best wishes for the successful

Tips Increase Web Traffic Visittor / Your Blog

I DO NOT remind wasted with useless blog that you have created and may have quite a lot of sites or blogs with the display (format) only captivating but a few people who to visit. In addition to content that is continually updated, the following will help gain traffic on the web / your blog:

• Offline Promotion, not the one it is, now that the campaign is not better than the campaign online. Create business cards, stickers and the like and write the URL and you may have your car or motorcycle may ditempel and not the tax-free
• Online Promotions, can be done through Search Engine is the address that is currently most widely used by most people to find information. Many suggest that, especially for URL that Adsense is not indiscriminate in choosing a search engine. Many suggest that specific URL for Adsense you can register manually:

To register on Google, after the URL address is registered through / addurl.html, add sitemap.xml

• Internet Directory, Put your URL in as many Internet directories, such as:

• Award Sites. As follows:

• Classified Ads, you list the URL in the ad text as much as possible, you can search in the search engine with the keywords' free classified ads' or Indonesia to use the following address:

• Email Signature, Make your email signature sperti create business cards and make sure each URL that you can tell more legible by the recipient.
• Join the many forums, as many as possible join the discussion forum and mailing list, you need to create your own email mailing list for the main email so you do not interfere with the number of email. Perhaps the following can help you join the mailing list is

• Link / banner Exchange, do a banner exchange or link the URL with the owner of another domain. Exchange banner or link will help gain link popularity. Sign salh only in
• Writing Articles, Write about a theme on a site that provides a place for you to write bias. Please write an article on the site of the You can also make ebook that can be distributed for free. Do not forget, at the end of any posts and include the URL that your readers who are interested can make a direct link to click on your property.
• Autoresponder / Give courses free, tip or various other important information for visitors to the web / blog dnegan autoresponder that you can program your own. If you want free, create autoresponder in Include a link to your URL on any materials that you make.
• Share Program. Join engan Flixya through address where you can upload the video belong to you if you have Adsense id. If already registered, click the menu and Revenue Sharing Charity on the menu entries ago you Adsense id.
• Well congratulations to try and do not forget to leave a message under this impression ..


Islamic ideal of the family known as the "Family Sakinah" families or families who are prosperous by interest each pair husband and wife. This is set in QS.Ar-Ruum: 21), which states that the purpose of marriage in the spiritual aspects of the tranquility of life that can cause a sense of bond and mawaddah Rohman (love & affection) among all families.
Sakinah in the family, demanding the involvement of all family anggaota family, with the pressure of the husband and wife become father and mother as the holder of the title role in meniti life. Thus will be realized that Islamic family intact, which between one with the other stranded love and affection, respect Sharing, face, loyal, responsible and honest and aware of its function as a member of the family.

A. Husband wife relationship
Marriage on the based piety as a key partner selection and satisfaction with the search for truth, that is the be happy & intri life husband of meaning. Achieving perfection is the result of the role of marriage between the parties. Each role memunyai balance, both the rights and obligations.
Husband's role is to develop principles and moral duties based on the implementation of God, led his wife and menceraikannya well. Do not pester or hurt if his wife does not like it anymore.
Although the wife has the right balance with its obligations, but men have higher degrees at the ( 228), mean function in the household is entitled to become a guardian, guards, protectors, and leaders have the responsibility of more weight.

1. Rights and obligations of husband and wife
Eika to demonstrate the principles and the role of husband and wife, one of them knowing exactly dah wife and obligations. In the Holy Qur'an and the Sunna firm ordered to be benign, giving the wife equal rights in all things and keep the full responsibility of the husband his wife.
Maintenance of the form:
Copyright material: provide housing, clothing, makanana and other needs that are required to uphold a family.
Non-material rights: moral rights can not be separated by material that is the right form of good deeds, giving considerations etc..
In case the husband may not feel reluctant to show, doubt and uncertainty so that the full mera wife no longer gets love affection, love or sympathy from her husband.

Wife Shalihah several criteria:
• Protecting property and honor her husband
• reveal the true-love on her husband not only on the selainnya.
• Do not complain and mengumbar the indiscriminate suffering to people, because the bias does not result in campurtangan responsible, even if have to complain about the presence of his family must mengekuh kepad family terdekatnya (parents) to ornag deemed capable of completing the household.
• Hargailah husband, as keadaanya and do not try to turn other than her husband.
• Berhematlah spending money in day-to-day needs by adjusting the income generated by the husband.
• forgive mistakes which consist of her husband sepanjangn error ynag consist of her husband is not the case in a very basic teachings of Islam.
• Do not be late in the discussion of others who complain defamatory and sheep, because it often resulted in squabbling that resulted in a sometimes difficult immovability limited.
• Maintain their own children and not let them diasuh adjuvant or the other.
• have a certain noble, good attitude, action and fun, so he said the husband.
• interact well with her family, especially to the mother-in-law.

2. Rights and obligations of husband wife
Obligations of a wife is a partner in the husband's marriage bond. As 74 which is the basis, among other obligations wife mentioned that the wife should be the excitement for grantor suaminya.Sehingga with a good wife, the husband is able to become priests for the people who bertaqwa kepad Allah SWT. To meet that obligation, the wife must be surrendered, faithful, always be sweet, attractive, responsive and kooperatif.Istri forbidden lie to her husband, disputed the concept of the husband in connection with the preservation of family life.

Some of the criteria husband Shaleh:
• Protecting the family, you prialah of degan kebijaksanaanya, can bear the family, prepare everything for the happiness of families and can change the house into heaven and his wife as bidadarinya.
• Caring for spouse, family kesejahetraan secret is how a husband treat his wife as well sebaliknya.Perbuatan this is called jihad.
• love and feel for his wife, a woman adlaah center of all the good feelings by fully mastered. Keberadaanya depends on the love and affection saying. But the man who has a secret life perkawinannya is dlam of love and affection to his wife saying.
• Apply well and respect his wife, a woman will be proud of himself as a man so he wanted to be treated well and respected by others ornag. So seoarang Shaleh husband who will try to deal with both, appreciate and respect his wife. Thus, the wife will do the same so that the husband-wife relationship more closely

3. Tata Krama Bersenggama
In life menage, seksualpun factor determining the relationship between the husband and the ship-istri.Oelh therefore, Islam is very concerned about the sexual relationship and fulfillment of instinctive needs, as long as is done in a manner that is lawful. This is to be realized with some ethics rules, including:

a. He mentions asthma, sabda Rasulullah SAW: "If you want to come to the (screw) and his wife pray: In the asthma God, O God, preserve us from the devil and the devil away from what we in the Kau karuniakan. Surely, if God grant the child at the time the devil will not mengganggunya forever. "(HR.Imam five)
b. Using the cover, as a husband who thought that coitus is not valid unless his wife to open the entire pakainnya, but better if he ask him first. She ra narrate about Prophet: "He did not see auratku and I did not see his genitals."
c. Conducting pre sexual relationship, prepared with cooked and full of vitality.
d. Do not leave his wife soon after getting her sexual satisfaction, because it will result in poor health for psychiatric and physical istrinya.Sabda Rasulullah SAW: "If you are among the bersenggama with his wife should be done with sincerity hati.Dan when completed before the completion hajatnya wish his wife, let he was patient, waiting until his wife finished hajatnya. "(HR.Abu Ya'la and Abas).
e. Can not be told that sexual relationships have been made to siapapun.Karena menjada confidentiality adalh is a secret kewajiban.Terlebih again concerning a matter of honor and self niali have a "special" and is located at the faith.

B. Relationships Children with Parent

Liability 1.Hak children and Parents
Some of the principles which regulate the relationship between children with parents are:
a. A child with a bed should not cause any bothersome or parents. ( Baqarah: 233)
b. Parents should not harm his son.
c. Parents must always provide counseling and guidance, and certain real valued so that their child.
Children is a source of happiness family life. Therefore, Islam set the moral principles of individual, position in the relationship between parents and children. Parents have a very determining role in the formation of pesonalitas children.
Sabda Rasulullah SAW: "Every child is born in a state of purity (disposition). And parents who make children into Jewish, Christian or heathen (not religious)."

In Islam, children have rights:
a. Getting a life means ornagtua must maintain and stock knowledge.
b. Obtain endorsement as a child.
c. Get pegakuan environment.
d. Education.
e. Get the spiritual and other needs,

2.Kewajiban Child Rights and Parents
Children also mempunyaui obligations keep ornagtua later if it is old. ( 'am: 151 and' :23-24). Dismaping the basic concept of charity in Al-Quran must apply by ornagtua to educate and maintain children, namely its anatara others: Apply correct, good and beautiful manner through the firm, patient, full of gratitude, love mercy, and self-esteem people and so forth.

Remove Komedo or Blackheads

In fact in the face we have two kinds komedo. Komedo white and black komedo. Komedo is a collection of white fat that came out of the body. While komedo is a collection of black and white fat, but have mixed the dirt, so difficult to quit. What are the causes of the emergence komedo:

• Lack of water in our bodies
• Cells that are dead skin and clog the opening so that excess pore-pore
• The production of excess oil on the face
• routine cleaning of the face is less good, the oil is not picked up on the face perfectly
• Use the scrub on the face of excess
• Too much use cosmetics that contain many oil

Practical ways that komedo quickly disappear from your nose:

• Prepare a boiling hot water, then uapkan on your face. Steam heat will open the pore-pore face so that you easily pick komedo
• At the time of pick komedo use pencukil komedo tool that has been cleaned with alcohol. Never squeeze the hand komedo because it will cause allergies and cause the former to the face.
• After the pencukilan, clean face with a cleanser.
• Then, use the mask you wear ordinary, to re-tighten the pore-pore has now been opened.
• Rinse with clean water.

Tips Sleep Soundly

Sleep patterns that are not regularly will reduce the quality of life, despite adequate nutrition and Feed diligent exercise. Menace, may fall ill to die. So !!! Sleep seems to be trivial. In fact many events that occurred. During sleep the body a rest to restore energy that has been used. At that time also, in the body occur bustle of activity affect the physical and mental health care. Consequently, most people are sleeping less or sleeping does not regularly take the shortcut to sleep "revenge" long sleep on weekends is not the right solution to cover the lack of time to sleep.

Tips below telling Sleep soundly ... a. Follow biological minutes, hours, which have biological have been programmed in our brain, such as bedtime and regular wekup on the same day every day. Sleep long enough so that it does not slumber to days. As a benchmark, long a baby sleeps between 13-16 hours. Children between 8-12 hours, 6-9 hours between the adult and old age between 5-9 hours. Babies and children need more sleep, especially sleep to support the growth. While in the adult lack of sleep will disrupt ay-to-day. b. Avoid sleeping in the afternoon or morning in adults because, when awake, the body will not feel fresh. c. Supporting factors also needs to sleep. Atmosphere such as a bedroom. Use the bedroom only for sleep. Often we find room complete with TV or audio video equipment. This is not effective because the brain at the time we will be forced to sleep especially listening and thinking. d. Drinking warm milk can help body fast asleep. But milk must be pure .., not mixed with anything. Milk raised hormone melatonin in the blood to speed someone sleeping. Because in the morning avoid drinking milk because it will make the day headed in the afternoon. e. Avoid alcoholic beverages and berkafein (coffee, tea also including soda). For this drink, which stimulate the heart does not make the bed quickly. f. The practice of sleeping properly may not be easily done, but just try and feel the benefits.

Nice Work and Good Luck…!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

What is acid muscle disease

Acid or other fiber that is gout arthritis is disease that has been a while since antiquity, for the time has long passed that this disease is often referred to as the disease of kings becouse like they consume tasty-tasty food. I'm not a king but the craze will consume food and food was tasty, I must accept the king of this disease. Actually this disease in appear as by purin-out of substances in the body has less than normal rate so that spread to in-socket joints joints causing acute inflammation / gout occurs. This disease is always heel foot joint attack me, if the pain had started in the area around the foot that will appear red, mengilat, swelling, accompanied by pain which is great. Saking terrible make each step and become a serious illness. Joint is very difficult to be moved.

These seizures usually occur only briefly, after the drug is usually lost and the next day I went back as usual. But this time be naughty doi slightly so that I feel should be fixed for several days, although it is not too sick, but still feel that way, so bring in a sense cause pain near the joint. This ago I decided to create examined the blood to the lab. Lab Paramitha into my options and then examined for blood.

Normal level for men according to the Lab this ranged between 3.5 to 7.2 and is expected to remain stable in sekitaran number 5. This takes a little becouse indeed many who come to it, I finally had to come back next day to get the lab results. Tomorrow after receiving the results from the lab to know if I can measure URIC ACID (purin) in the body I reached 10.6 a performance that does not boast too.

Doctor who is over there are willing to spend a little time to consult me, my friend ago suggests to me not to rush first to the doctor to consume drugs to reduce the acid content of fiber. He further suggests to me prior to the diet. Reducing the purin content in the blood to keep me with the pattern of eating. More and more advisable to reduce the weight of my body that this is the swelling.

Further suggest this doctor to me to say goodbye to a few types of foods that contain high purin (> (150-800 mg/100 gram) such as:

All types of offal and food-seafood, such as shrimp, squid, shellfish and food, including food cans, sardine and kornet, which is all the food my favorite food-huhuhu. My friend also encourage me not to consume alcohol is not a matter of karna already more than 7 years old I no longer had eat.

Ago that doctors recommend to limit foods that have a degree purin are (50-150 mg/100 grams) if the attack on the joint pain comes. Food-food that can be found in:

Shellfish, all kinds of fish including into the top, beef, beans, spinach, kangkung, bean, bean sprouts, there are several types of vegetables that he can not afford to mention but I remember more.

To continue the healthy life of some food which is safe for consumption, the food I have a uterus purin low (<50-150>

Type of food that is intended by this doctor as cheese, milk, eggs, to ease purin terbuang through urin I also recommended to drink lots of water and fruits that contain lots of water such as watermelon, juice and other fruits. For fruits such as durian and avocado should be avoided becouse alcohol can be extracted in the body and also create a high degree of fat and will add weight.

Tips How to promote your website or blog

After you create a website or blog would want to promote your website or blog that you are not getting ranked? ?

So of course! !

Following tips so that your website or blog can be known people:

List On

Of course you do not have a foreign name with As one of the site's search engine is already very popular among internet users, this site acapkali be a barometer for the blogger to create in the top rating. To promote the blog with the URL on register following the steps:

  1. Type the URL address in the box address internet browser program that you use.
  2. Press the Enter key after.
  3. Next, Google will display the page Add your URL to Google in the Internet browser window.
  4. Next, type the address of your weblog photo URL in the text box.
  5. If necessary, add a little comment on the weblog in the Comments text box.
  6. In the Optional, type the verification code that appears on your screen to in the text box provided below.
  7. If you have, press the Add button URL.
  8. After some time, Google's system will deliver a notification that your site will be processed and included in Google's search index system.
  9. Now, you can close the page.

List on
The name Yahoo! can be said as one of the spark in the world, especially in the case of internet service provider search engine. Site built since 1994 this has been a part of the internet. And of course, through this site you can also do a campaign to introduce you to the weblog of all internet users around the world.

  1. Run the Internet browser program.
  2. So, type in the URL address https: / / / submit / address in the box.
  3. After pressing the Enter key, Yahoo! Search Site Explorer will be displayed through the browser window.
  4. Enter the URL of your weblog address the full text in the box available at the Submit a Website or Webpage. At the end of the URL address, add "/ atom.xml".
  5. If you are, press the Submit URL.
  6. Halaman in the next, will be shown a page that tells that the URL you enter will be detected immediately and direct her to include in the index search system Yahoo!.
  7. Next, you can close the page

MSN.Com in the list and Windows Live Search
Through and Windows Live Search, Microsoft developed a system that is search engine for all internet users. Both MSN and Windows Live Search, both systems run the same mechanism, so that by using one of them, as well as using both. And to expand the coverage of your campaign weblog, following the steps that you can do to promote your weblog through both this site:

  1. Launch your Internet browser program.
  2. Http:// type the address in the box and end with pressing the Enter key.
  3. Next, page Submit your site to Live Search will appear in the browser window.
  4. Type the verification code that appears in the display to the Characters in the text box.
  5. Then, type the full URL address of your weblog on the text box is available in the Type the URL of your homepage
  6. When finished, press the Submit URL.
  7. Through a message on the next page, Live Search provides a report that the URL you enter will be processed into the system.
  8. Next, you can close the page.


After you create a website or blog would want to promote your website or blog that you are not getting ranked?

So of course!

Following tips so that your website or blog can be known people:


Of course you do not have a foreign name with As one of the site's search engine is already very popular among internet users, this site acapkali be a barometer for the blogger to create in the top rating. To promote the blog with the URL on register following the steps:
1. Type the URL address in the box address internet browser program that you use.

Figure 5.1. Address of the Site in
2. Press the Enter key after.
3. Next, Google will display the page Add your URL to Google in the Internet browser window.

Figure 5.2. Page Views Add your URL to Google
4. Next, type the address of your weblog photo URL in the text box.
5. If necessary, add a little comment on the weblog in the Comments text box.

Figure 5.3. Write down the URL address and the Comments About Your Photo Weblog
6. In the Optional, type the verification code that appears on your screen to in the text box provided below.

Figure 5.4. Write Verification Code
7. If you have, press the Add button URL.
8. After some time, Google's system will deliver a notification that your site will be processed and included in Google's search index system.

Figure 5.5. Notice of Registration Page About the Site to the Search Index in the list of URLs on the Google System
9. Now, you can close the page.
List on
The name Yahoo! can be said as one of the spark in the world, especially in the case of internet service provider search engine. Site built since 1994 this has been a part of the internet. And of course, through this site you can also do a campaign to introduce you to the weblog of all internet users around the world.
1. Run the Internet browser program.
2. So, type in the URL address https: / / / submit / address in the box.

Figure 5.6. Address Register for the site on
3. After pressing the Enter key, Yahoo! Search Site Explorer will be displayed through the browser window.

Figure 5.7. Pageviews Yahoo! Search Site Explorer in the browser window
4. Enter the URL of your weblog address the full text in the box available at the Submit a Website or Webpage. At the end of the URL address, add "/ atom.xml".

Figure 5.8. Insert Address Weblog on the Text Box Submit a Website or Webpage
5. If you are, press the Submit URL.
6. Haalaman in the next, will be shown a page that tells that the URL you enter will be detected immediately and direct her to include in the index search system Yahoo!.

Figure 5.9. Page Views Notification System from Yahoo!
7. Next, you can close the page
MSN.Com in the list and Windows Live Search
Through and Windows Live Search, Microsoft developed a system that is search engine for all internet users. Both MSN and Windows Live Search, both systems run the same mechanism, so that by using one of them, as well as using both. And to expand the coverage of your campaign weblog, following the steps that you can do to promote your weblog through both this site:
1. Launch your Internet browser program.
2. Http:// type the address in the box and end with pressing the Enter key.

Figure 5.10. Write down the address of the URL in
3. Next, page Submit your site to Live Search will appear in the browser window.

Figure 5.11. Page Views Submit Your Site to Live Search
4. Type the verification code that appears in the display to the Characters in the text box.

Figure 5.12. Write Verification Code
5. Then, type the full URL address of your weblog on the text box is available in the Type the URL of your homepage.

Figure 5.13. Write down the URL in the Address text box type the URL of Your Homepage
6. When finished, press the Submit URL.
7. Through a message on the next page, Live Search provides a report that the URL you enter will be processed into the system.

Figure 5:14. Page reports that Live Search File a URL address that has been indexed into the system
8. Next, you can close the page.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Installing Avatar "The Legend Of Aang"

Avatar ...? Yes I am happy to watch The Legend Of Aang the Avatar of the four elements, Air, Water, Earth and Fire. Avatar Aang, but not this I wanted to talk but related to the Avatar world, of course, blogging and related to the course title above.

However, there is no one I talk a bit about The Legend of Aang the Avatar who has long been dinanti, fortunately just disappear after 100 years he is found frozen in the ice lump with bison Appa flight by brothers from the nomadic tribes Air; Katara and sakka. Avatar Aang seems the only one of nickelodeon cartoons that I like SpongeBob SquarePants than that because the seizure had less remote same brother hehe

Okay, enough ngomongin The Legend of Aang Avatar ngomongin time I mean in the blogging world. There are some questions about the avatars go through the contact form and email, some of the questions are two core questions:

How do I view all bloggers who commented on our blog?

How's that (photo) we appear on the blog comments on other people?

To the first question, if your blog is self hosted wordpress theme and not compatible with all the extra require plugins, but for users (free) is not necessary because it is available itupun depending on the theme that is used but most are compatible with the friend's aka blogger comments, then you avatarnya will appear next to comments.

I actually have a little offensive about this in the plugin's earlier posting about WordPress Plugins Comments Plus Plus, but I prefer and recommend the Easy Gravatars plugin to show all of the commentator in this blog. Download plugin first Easy Gravatar and install and activate the plugin settings and easy gravatars on your dashboard Settings> Easy Gravatars.

There are two settings in the options there; General Options and Advanced Options. On the General Options, Size, in pixels (maximum: 80): I love just for the size 40's are, so it is not too small and not too large. In the Allowed Ratting I select G (general) appear to be all that is safe for all the views of children on the Default image url url image save image of your choice, save my own image url mystery man (this is for the commentator who does not have the avatar).

Then on the second Option, Advanced Options on Span style all my settings so that commentator is on the left side of the commentator, the span tag that I enter is the float: left; margin-right: 10px; display: block on the API Hook ago I select Comment Author Link. Now for the settings so summarily as follows,
General Options
Size, in pixels (maximum: 80): 40
Allowed Ratting: G
Default image url: (if you want to use the default avatar, please upload this on your own wordpress)
Advanced Options
Span style: float: left; margin-right: 10px; display: block
API Hook: Comment Author Link
If the setting is ready to stay click Update Option, finished ... wait for the live commentator who comments, you will see what avatarnya.
Whoa ... what if you own a blog in the comments of others and all you want to appear on the blog ... comments?

So, this for the second question. Previous note that avatars that appear on the comment is coming from the email address you enter (in the wordpress blog). Avatars so that you appear on the blog berplatform what (including wordpress) then register your email in Click to sign up at the top left and then enter your email address and click Sign up. Gravatar parties will send a confirmation email to the email you registered, check your email and click activation link provided gravatar.

Once you open the activation link will be prompted to enter Nickname (later to sign) and password and then click Sign Up. After that you will be taken to a page to enter your avatar gravatar (photo) that you have. Now on any posts Whoops, looks like you dont have any images yet! Add one by clicking here! To enter all you click Add one by clicking here! There are three options you will enter all of the computer (My computer's hard drive), from the Internet (An image on the internet) or account ( Your Avatar) ...?

If you have a photo then click on My computer's hard drive and click browse and select the photo from the computer, once selected click next. You will be taken on the page to use your skills using the mouse, please set your big small avatars. If you have Crop and click Finish. Then the value (rating) photo with you honestly, if it is safe to all those views then click Rated G. Then click on the picture all you who are under Choose an image (below) to use for the selected email (above) or add a new one, click your avatar and click Confim.

... Wrong! Now you can comment on any blog, and your avatar will look ... Welcome and congratulations to try bernarsis ria ...

PS: Please do not add any explanation used screenshots. But I feel quite tips over easily. Try & Enjoy. Regard Blogging and Sharing ...
If you have not please add the comment ... thanks ...!


How do the above article to you? However assessment please give comments and what I need to discuss are.

You can subscribe article via feed or via email and get updates which will be sent directly via a feed reader or your email.

If necessary, I are to copy the above article as reference material for your post but do not forget to mention as the source. Thank you!

Towards The Election Indonesian

Towards the election many of the problems that faced
Damage on the ballot many found
how the election appear less socialization
Check the system to understand that not many

Ironically there is a potential legislative issues involved
praiseworthy act, and not caught wet
not be representative of the people already make noisy
which can later be representative of trust

The political elite has begun to critique each other
either through the media and political oraso
success was made all the charm
but avoided the failure of public

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Upload, share your files and can therefore dollar

How dollar ... Who I'd like a dollar a day .... You ... Perhaps for those who are older person in the world of blogs and get income for the contents they wallet roar ..... Why? there is a wrong? WHAT?

We learn a new one I really want to learn how important that is not lawful to steal, but to get from the elders, and this includes not try? All right !

Okey, it is expected that this additional information can provide more opportunities for people who want to add content they wallet and I can recommend to always follow my blog, although friends have "senior" later .... exchange for science…correct

Here is a program about dollar gain a slightly different, because we do not install the ad but install the files in a web hosting so that someone who come to our blog to download the file we have uploaded in the web hosting is ... the web is Ziddu , I have been a previous segment, which this time is different. So, if interested to join please read the descriptions below:

Preview Ziddu
Ziddu that we already know is a free web hosting services (100% FREE) how it works more or less the same kind of service that is a good place to store files that document, image and video. The advantages of this service if a member is the number of files, which you can upload unlimited (unlimited) means we do not have to be a member of the premium is usually paid to obtain more quotas in Ziddu because there is no premium members "so we can save more money" therefore. Unlimited In addition we will also get a dollar if someone download our files you upload (not profitable ???), and just remind me that this is still in the service we can also invite colleagues / other people who are interested to join the install link referral ziddu in our blog, as I had previous investigation. So, have many files that you want to share with other people in the world ...? Waiting for immediate upload files and before you do not forget to join a referral I immediately click on the Join Ziddu.
Just additional info before joining Ziddu should first create a paypal account because of our earnings will be sent to our paypal account, if you have not yet made ya soon.

Here's how one of :

create a paypal account.

How to Apply:
Still on the homepage Ziddu After entry into the homepage, click on REGISTER and we will find the form that we will need to fill in accordance with the data-your data, do not forget to check the "I Agree Terms and Condition" and then click Submit, sample form can be see in the screenshot below.

How to log in:
And after we have received and are listed on the confirmation email you entered previously, click on the address in the email and then click LOG IN, then the form will appear for the entrance to Ziddu account enter your email and password according to the time we fill the registration / register, after that click login.

Hopefully useful and successful in your blog and collect dollars through your blog, thanks for your visit.

How to install ziddu referral links in blogspot, and get a dollar you

Click here for a list of free

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Friday, February 27, 2009


Engine failure may have been factor in Amsterdam plane crash

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wreckage of the aeroplane.
Image: Radio Nederland Wereldomroep.

According to the chief of the agency investigating the Turkish Airlines aeroplane crash at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands yesterday, engine trouble may have been a factor in the accident.

Addressing Dutch state television, chairman of the Dutch Safety Board Pieter van Vollenhoven said that the way the aircraft dropped from the air suggests that the engines may have failed. "If you then lose speed, you then literally fall out of the sky," he said. However, he noted that the reason for the apparent engine failure had not yet been established.

Van Vollenhoven said that the analysis of the aeroplane's flight data recorders could be finished as early as Tuesday, but added that the Dutch Safety Board would most likely not disclose any preliminary findings until next week.

Both jet engines separated from the fuselage.
Image: Radio Nederland Wereldomroep.

Fred Sanders, a spokesman for the board, said that the damage to the aircraft corroborated witness accounts that the plane impacted with the ground tail-down.

"This may indicate that the plane had lost its forward momentum, that there was no motor function," he said, adding that it may be be a long time before a full explanation of the incident is available. "We will have an official finding probably in about a year, but we should be able to give an interim finding within weeks," he said.

Nine people were killed and 86 injured on Wednesday when a Boeing 737-800 with 135 people on board registered to Turkish Airlines crashed just short of the runway in a farmer's field near Schiphol Airport.

Caspar David Friedrich

Caspar David Friedrich

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Gerhard von Kügelgen, Portrait of Caspar David Friedrich (c. 1810–20)

Caspar David Friedrich (September 5, 1774 – May 7, 1840) was a 19th-century German Romantic landscape painter, generally considered the most important of the movement.[2] He is best known for his mid-period allegorical landscapes, which typically feature contemplative figures silhouetted against night skies, morning mists, barren trees or Gothic ruins. His primary interest as an artist was the contemplation of nature, and his often symbolic and anti-classical work seeks to convey a subjective, emotional response to the natural world. Friedrich's work characteristically sets the human element in diminished perspective amid expansive landscapes, reducing the figures to a scale that, according to the art historian Christopher John Murray, directs "the viewer's gaze towards their metaphysical dimension".[3]

Friedrich was born in the Swedish Pomeranian town of Greifswald, where he began his studies in art as a youth. Later, he studied in Copenhagen until 1798, before settling in Dresden. He came of age during a period when, across Europe, a growing disillusionment with materialistic society was giving rise to a new appreciation of spirituality. This shift in ideals was often expressed through a reevaluation of the natural world, as artists such as Friedrich, J. M. W. Turner (1775–1851) and John Constable (1776–1837) sought to depict nature as a "divine creation, to be set against the artifice of human civilization".[4]

Friedrich’s work brought him renown early in his career, and contemporaries such as the French sculptor David d'Angers (1788–1856) spoke of him as a man who had discovered "the tragedy of landscape".[5] However, his work fell from favour during his later years, and he died in obscurity, and in the words of the art historian Philip Miller, "half mad".[6] As Germany moved towards modernisation in the late 19th century, a new sense of urgency characterised its art, and Friedrich’s contemplative depictions of stillness came to be seen as the products of a bygone age. The early 20th century brought a renewed appreciation of his work, beginning in 1906 with an exhibition of thirty-two of his paintings and sculptures in Berlin. By the 1920s his paintings had been discovered by the Expressionists, and in the 1930s and early 1940s Surrealists and Existentialists frequently drew ideas from his work. The rise of Nazism in the early 1930s again saw a resurgence in Friedrich's popularity, but this was followed by a sharp decline as his paintings were, by association with the Nazi movement, misinterpreted as having a nationalistic aspect.[7] It was not until the late 1970s that Friedrich regained his reputation as an icon of the German Romantic movement and a painter of international importance.

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