Monday, March 23, 2009


Islamic ideal of the family known as the "Family Sakinah" families or families who are prosperous by interest each pair husband and wife. This is set in QS.Ar-Ruum: 21), which states that the purpose of marriage in the spiritual aspects of the tranquility of life that can cause a sense of bond and mawaddah Rohman (love & affection) among all families.
Sakinah in the family, demanding the involvement of all family anggaota family, with the pressure of the husband and wife become father and mother as the holder of the title role in meniti life. Thus will be realized that Islamic family intact, which between one with the other stranded love and affection, respect Sharing, face, loyal, responsible and honest and aware of its function as a member of the family.

A. Husband wife relationship
Marriage on the based piety as a key partner selection and satisfaction with the search for truth, that is the be happy & intri life husband of meaning. Achieving perfection is the result of the role of marriage between the parties. Each role memunyai balance, both the rights and obligations.
Husband's role is to develop principles and moral duties based on the implementation of God, led his wife and menceraikannya well. Do not pester or hurt if his wife does not like it anymore.
Although the wife has the right balance with its obligations, but men have higher degrees at the ( 228), mean function in the household is entitled to become a guardian, guards, protectors, and leaders have the responsibility of more weight.

1. Rights and obligations of husband and wife
Eika to demonstrate the principles and the role of husband and wife, one of them knowing exactly dah wife and obligations. In the Holy Qur'an and the Sunna firm ordered to be benign, giving the wife equal rights in all things and keep the full responsibility of the husband his wife.
Maintenance of the form:
Copyright material: provide housing, clothing, makanana and other needs that are required to uphold a family.
Non-material rights: moral rights can not be separated by material that is the right form of good deeds, giving considerations etc..
In case the husband may not feel reluctant to show, doubt and uncertainty so that the full mera wife no longer gets love affection, love or sympathy from her husband.

Wife Shalihah several criteria:
• Protecting property and honor her husband
• reveal the true-love on her husband not only on the selainnya.
• Do not complain and mengumbar the indiscriminate suffering to people, because the bias does not result in campurtangan responsible, even if have to complain about the presence of his family must mengekuh kepad family terdekatnya (parents) to ornag deemed capable of completing the household.
• Hargailah husband, as keadaanya and do not try to turn other than her husband.
• Berhematlah spending money in day-to-day needs by adjusting the income generated by the husband.
• forgive mistakes which consist of her husband sepanjangn error ynag consist of her husband is not the case in a very basic teachings of Islam.
• Do not be late in the discussion of others who complain defamatory and sheep, because it often resulted in squabbling that resulted in a sometimes difficult immovability limited.
• Maintain their own children and not let them diasuh adjuvant or the other.
• have a certain noble, good attitude, action and fun, so he said the husband.
• interact well with her family, especially to the mother-in-law.

2. Rights and obligations of husband wife
Obligations of a wife is a partner in the husband's marriage bond. As 74 which is the basis, among other obligations wife mentioned that the wife should be the excitement for grantor suaminya.Sehingga with a good wife, the husband is able to become priests for the people who bertaqwa kepad Allah SWT. To meet that obligation, the wife must be surrendered, faithful, always be sweet, attractive, responsive and kooperatif.Istri forbidden lie to her husband, disputed the concept of the husband in connection with the preservation of family life.

Some of the criteria husband Shaleh:
• Protecting the family, you prialah of degan kebijaksanaanya, can bear the family, prepare everything for the happiness of families and can change the house into heaven and his wife as bidadarinya.
• Caring for spouse, family kesejahetraan secret is how a husband treat his wife as well sebaliknya.Perbuatan this is called jihad.
• love and feel for his wife, a woman adlaah center of all the good feelings by fully mastered. Keberadaanya depends on the love and affection saying. But the man who has a secret life perkawinannya is dlam of love and affection to his wife saying.
• Apply well and respect his wife, a woman will be proud of himself as a man so he wanted to be treated well and respected by others ornag. So seoarang Shaleh husband who will try to deal with both, appreciate and respect his wife. Thus, the wife will do the same so that the husband-wife relationship more closely

3. Tata Krama Bersenggama
In life menage, seksualpun factor determining the relationship between the husband and the ship-istri.Oelh therefore, Islam is very concerned about the sexual relationship and fulfillment of instinctive needs, as long as is done in a manner that is lawful. This is to be realized with some ethics rules, including:

a. He mentions asthma, sabda Rasulullah SAW: "If you want to come to the (screw) and his wife pray: In the asthma God, O God, preserve us from the devil and the devil away from what we in the Kau karuniakan. Surely, if God grant the child at the time the devil will not mengganggunya forever. "(HR.Imam five)
b. Using the cover, as a husband who thought that coitus is not valid unless his wife to open the entire pakainnya, but better if he ask him first. She ra narrate about Prophet: "He did not see auratku and I did not see his genitals."
c. Conducting pre sexual relationship, prepared with cooked and full of vitality.
d. Do not leave his wife soon after getting her sexual satisfaction, because it will result in poor health for psychiatric and physical istrinya.Sabda Rasulullah SAW: "If you are among the bersenggama with his wife should be done with sincerity hati.Dan when completed before the completion hajatnya wish his wife, let he was patient, waiting until his wife finished hajatnya. "(HR.Abu Ya'la and Abas).
e. Can not be told that sexual relationships have been made to siapapun.Karena menjada confidentiality adalh is a secret kewajiban.Terlebih again concerning a matter of honor and self niali have a "special" and is located at the faith.

B. Relationships Children with Parent

Liability 1.Hak children and Parents
Some of the principles which regulate the relationship between children with parents are:
a. A child with a bed should not cause any bothersome or parents. ( Baqarah: 233)
b. Parents should not harm his son.
c. Parents must always provide counseling and guidance, and certain real valued so that their child.
Children is a source of happiness family life. Therefore, Islam set the moral principles of individual, position in the relationship between parents and children. Parents have a very determining role in the formation of pesonalitas children.
Sabda Rasulullah SAW: "Every child is born in a state of purity (disposition). And parents who make children into Jewish, Christian or heathen (not religious)."

In Islam, children have rights:
a. Getting a life means ornagtua must maintain and stock knowledge.
b. Obtain endorsement as a child.
c. Get pegakuan environment.
d. Education.
e. Get the spiritual and other needs,

2.Kewajiban Child Rights and Parents
Children also mempunyaui obligations keep ornagtua later if it is old. ( 'am: 151 and' :23-24). Dismaping the basic concept of charity in Al-Quran must apply by ornagtua to educate and maintain children, namely its anatara others: Apply correct, good and beautiful manner through the firm, patient, full of gratitude, love mercy, and self-esteem people and so forth.

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